Ham and Bean Soup Served Over Cooked Rice
Saturday is a very busy day for our family as it's the first day of the 182nd Semiannual General Conference. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we gather as a family twice each year to watch the General Conference broadcasts. The General Conferences are opportunities for us to listen to talks given by our Prophet, Apostles, and other General Authorities of the Church. It's an educational and uplifting event. On Saturday there are two sessions that we watch together as a family. The first session begins at 11am CDT and the second session begins at 3pm CDT. There is a short break between sessions. Each session lasts 2 hours. There is also an evening session for the men. The Hubster will head over to our local congregational building (ward meetinghouse) and join the other men for that broadcast at 7pm.
You can learn more about the 182nd Semiannual General Conference and watch sessions online at lds.org.
To learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints visit Mormon.org.
Since I'll be wanting to watch and listen to the General Conference sessions I keep the food simple. Lunch will be sandwiches and a veggie tray and dinner will be our home canned ham and bean soup served over rice.
This is one of our pantry meals. The pantry meal category is a category of meals that we created for busy days when we didn't want to spend a great deal of time at home involved in meal preparation. Our Saturdays are often the day we are away from the house the most and it's nice to have a meal that's home cooked and quick and easy to prepare when we come back home. These meals are made with foods that are usually always on the shelves of our pantries. Some of the recipes in the pantry meal category involve refrigerated ingredients, but they are always comprised of ingredients we regularly keep on hand.
We cook the Ham and Bean soup up in large batches and pressure can it so that we always have some on the pantry shelves.
The recipe for the ham and bean soup can be found here and the tutorial for pressure canning the soup can be found here.
This meal requires a bit of large batch cooking and time spent canning in advance, but yields 13 meals for later use.
To serve it over rice we just steam some jasmine rice on the stovetop, reheat the soup in a saucepan and serve the soup over the rice.
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