bread fruit/kadachakka 1/2
shallots 8-10
green chillies 4-5 vertical slit
garlic cloves 3-4 sliced
grated/shredded coconut 1/2 cup
mustard seeds 1/2 tsp
turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
garama masala 1/2 tsp
oil 2tsp
curry leaves 1-2 sprigs

Method-Wash & peel the bread fruit removing the tough skin.Wash again,cut in small cubes.Add water(1 cup) in a pan with salt and turmeric powder,cook until tender & soft(takes about 20-25 mins) OR pressure cook the bread fruit with salt,water for 2 whistles.-Heat oil in a non stick pan or kadai(wok),splutter mustard seeds.Add in the shallots and garlic cloves along with green chillies.Saute until shallots are translucent.Add 1/4 tsp turmeric powder & garam masala.-Add the cooked bread fruit cubes,coconut shredded.Toss well,cover & cook for another 5-7 minutes on low medium heat.-Uncover ,toss again and is ready to serve with rice !!

Servings~ 3 adults
NOTES* You can add chilly powder if required instead of green chillies.* You can also add onion in place of shallots but shallots taste better.* Check water in between while cooking bread fruit ,add if requires more to cook.