Paleo Parents - one of my favorite blogs and favorite Paleo families. Stacy and Matthew are inspirational. They've lost a combined weight of over 200 pounds and now are a Paleo family with their children eating Paleo food as well. They've recently published the cookbook Eat Like a Dinosaur. Their blog is filled with inspirational articles, recipes, and a great overview of the Paleo lifestyle.

The Foodie & The Family - Tara writes about the Paleo/Primal lifestyle and has great recipes. Like us, she's part of a homebirthing, extended breastfeeding, kinda crunchy family.

The Paleo Mom - this is another fabulous blog that focuses on the entire family, including kids, eating a Paleo diet. It has great recipes, information about the Paleo diet, and is just a fun read.

nom nom paleo - great overview of Paleo diet, fabulous food pictures, and recipes. I also appreciate that the entire family follows a Paleo diet.
Civilized Caveman Cooking Creations - amazing recipes and Paleo diet information.

Paleo Friggin Delish - another great blog for Paleo recipes.

Modern Paleo - Paleo recipes, fitness, etc.

Paleolista - Nell Stephenson shares recipes and additional health information on her blog. She's also a consultant and sells nutritional plans.

Cave Girl Eats - Liz writes about a lot of different topics on her blog - food prep, crossfit, real food, paleo/primal/nourishing traditions type eating, and great recipes.
RobbWolf.com - Robb Wolf shares lots of information about the Paleo lifestyle on his site as well info on weight loss, and health benefits of a Paleo diet. He's the author of The Paleo Solution and several other books and also offers individual consulting.
Ancestralize Me! - Laura writes about fitness, the Paleo diet, and includes recipes!

Primal Kitchen - like the name indicates this blog features recipes fit for the Primal lifestyle. I love the focus on the family from this blog.
Primal Toad - Primal recipes, fitness articles, and also information about meet-ups.
Mark's Daily Apple - Mark Sisson is one of the top Primal writers. He's the author of The Primal Blueprint and several other books. He also has a business selling nutritional supplements.

The Food Lover's Primal Palate - Lots of great recipes and information about the Paleo diet.
Against All Grain - features wonderful recipes that are grain-free and free of refined sugars. Folks who follow a Paleo lifestyle might need to make a few modifications to the recipes

The Spunky Coconut - another great source for recipes. features gluten-free, casein-free, sugar-free recipes. Not all of the recipes are grain-free and some modifications need to be made for folks following a Paleo lifestyle.
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