How fast time flies off and we have crossed yet another important year in our lives.Many of you must have taken up resolutions and few might have started applying your new year resolutions too.Hope all your resolutions work wonders in your life.To me,I usually don't take up any resolutions as I don't usually amend them,though sometimes may take it.Let this new year be the one,where all your dreams come true,so with a joyful heart,put a start to this year anew.Wishing you n your family a very Happy & Prosperous New Year 2013 !!

My new year starts with a guest post for Suman.When Suman(Arthy ) @ Sumanarthy's Kitchen asked me to do a guest post for her,I was a bit busy then with Christmas preparations at home.But she was kind enough to give me enough time to send her a recipe. Suman has been an important part of my space since 2 months and we had joined hands in blogging then.The best part of her space is that she has a vast collection of recipes ranging from the simple ones to the complex ones.She has also brought out many wonderful bloggers as her guest in her space and this time,I got a chance too.All Thanks to you,Arthy.

So,friends as always I say-Love to share my happiness with a sweet/dessert and so today's recipe is a simple coffee pudding that I prepared for Christmas lunch.It's a simple yet smooth pudding that you would love to have anytime & can be prepared without much efforts.My kids loved it a lot,do give this a try if you are looking for a quick fix dessert for any occasions.And check out the detailed recipe @ Sumanarthy's kitchen !!
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