Wow! What a break I have had! When I posted several weeks ago about taking a break from my blog I kinda left something out. Sure, I was honest that I wanted to make impromptu and messy dinners without the worry of them looking photogenic. I was also ready to "chill out" and relax with my family. What I failed to mention was... well, I'll let my photos do the talking...

Wait one second... Are we on an airplane!?

Yep, we are flying high in the sky to...
The Sunshine State!!! Why hello there
warm hot weather, swimming pools, beaches, sundresses and pedicures (on very pale feet. Who cares...we were in FLORIDA!).

Fun bike ride for 4! We got the kids bowls of ice cream while my husband
and I pedaled around.

Red Sox fans vacationing on the west coast of Florida... you bet we made a trip to Spring Training.Beautiful new stadium. It's a replica of Fenway.

This is simply the best way to get around these Florida developments.

Lovin' life!

Our own private beach.

When in humid Florida,
do not attempt to straighten your hair. Embrace the curls!

Those are my kids swimming in the "big" pool.

We even had a Date Night!
Scariest walk in my life!!! I swear we were walking through crocodile alley! This was between a parking lot and a (
really nice!) hotel where we had a cocktail. I was so freaked out!!! We not only had to walk through swampy woods, but also over an area of water. I think my husband still has my fingernail marks in his arm!

Our last day at the beach. Pelican feeding time - they are

beware ~ a sand witch! (get it?)

Good-bye beach!

This is quite a nice way to eat lunch... a little different than this.

Our final family dinner.

...and the sun sets on a beautiful vacation.

Checking out our airplane.
Just about to board, but there is time for...

Silly faces...

along with a gigantic lollipop (and still wearing his pajama top. Pick your battles, right?). My son had this lollipop the
entire day which saved the day, if you know what I mean ;)

Ahhh... Fabulous vacation. I'm curly-haired, tanned (sort of), and I've got my Starbucks iced soy latte.
Next post...vacation food!
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